9 Vacation Sex Tips That Will Take Your Sexcation to the Next Level

 Make the most of the exotic vibes.

Maybe it’s the somehow very ~adult~ sexiness of a hotel room, or maybe it’s just the fact that you can finally chill TF out and relax for the first time in…IDK, ever (?), but there’s just something about vacation sex. From the inherently horny perfection of a hotel bed just waiting to be all kinds of messed up to the sheer novelty of getting it on in a new locale, there’s a reason sex away from home has a reputation for being some of the hottest there is.

But what is it about vacation sex that’s just so freakin’ hot? Hint: It’s not necessarily because you ate those oysters at your fancy dinner. As it turns out, the reason vacation sex seems to permanently reside in best-sex-ever territory has less to do with fancy hotel rooms or exotic vibes than the simple fact that being in a new place, away from the humdrum routines that rule your everyday life, makes it easier to tap into your sexiest self.

Obviously, the day-to-day chores, stressors, and boredom of normal life tend to be “sexual inhibitors, or brakes,” says psychotherapist Rachel Wright, a sex expert for Zumio. “They stop our system from wanting and engaging in sex.” But when we’re in vacation mode—which, for most of us, means actively taking time to unwind and escape from our regularly scheduled work-Netflix-sleep-repeat grind—“our brains are much more present,” Wright explains. In news that is surprising to literally no one, it turns out a more present, less stressed brain equals better, hotter sex.

Not to mention, even the most relaxing, beach-bums-only vacation is ripe for novelty and adventure—if only between the freshly cleaned sheets waiting for you on the California King in your hotel room. “Taking a trip dedicated to relaxation creates newness, a sense of adventure, and opportunity,” says sex therapist Casey Tanner, an expert for Lelo. Unsurprisingly, all of that newness and adventure tends to translate to “sex that feels hotter, more connective, and easier to initiate,” says Tanner.

Ready to take full advantage of all the sexy potential of your next exotic (read: erotic) getaway? Go ahead and slap that “do not disturb” sign on the door and follow these nine expert tips for the hottest vacation sex of your life.

1. Take advantage of *all* the hotel room furniture.

Any room can be a sex room if you make it one, and a hotel room is kind of the ultimate sex room. Yes, the bed is probably large, comfy and freshly cleaned—it’s a great place to start! But if your vacation sex itinerary begins and ends on the bed, you’re missing out. From the chair to the desk to getting bent over the bathroom sink in front of the mirror (my personal recommendation!), your hotel room is literally full of furniture just begging to be defiled.

2. Treat yourself to a little afternoon delight.

Again, the thrill of vacation sex is all about breaking out of your usual routine. According to Tanner, ??getting it on during times of the day that wouldn’t normally be available to you is a great way to make the most of vacation sex. If you and your partner are typically morning or night sex people, try mixing things up with a little mid-day bang sesh.

3. Take your time!

When you’re trying to squeeze sex into a jam-packed day already filled with work, errands, and catching up on your latest streaming obsession, it can be easy to end up rushing through the good stuff to get on with your day. Not that there’s anything wrong with a good quickie, but a vacation is a great opportunity to slow TF down for once. “This is a chance to take your time, both during the sex itself and with aftercare,” says Tanner. When you’re fully relaxed with no place to be but the beach, there’s literally no reason to rush.

4. Force yourself not to work.

As someone who is also guilty of checking emails while away, this is so important. “It defeats the purpose of getting the rejuvenation you and your body need,” says sex therapist and pleasure expert Rachel Allyn, PhD. So leave the laptop behind, snooze those Slack notifications, and think of “doing work” in other, sexier, contexts instead.

5. Get reacquainted with your bod.

Oh, hi, remember her? She’s begging to be touched and appreciated. Start by noticing the new sounds, sights, smells, and tastes of your surroundings, as well as the titillating touch of your partner. This will definitely turn you on in a fresh way and make everything during sex feel so much better.

6. Lube up.

Really. Like water, lube is one of the necessities of life. It just makes everything slip and fit a little (by which we mean A LOT) better. It doesn't matter how excited you may get au naturel, a few drops of lube can take your vacation sex up to fire levels. 

7. Let your stress really go.

It’s easy to become disconnected from your body during sexy time with your partner, especially when you have a million different thoughts roaming through that head of yours. But use vacation sex as a time to connect to the sexual pampering you're experiencing, says Allyn. Vacation is a time when you are—or should be—the most relaxed, so ease your mind and all expectations and just enjoy every sensation.

8. Don't count how many times you've done it.

Remember, this is vacation...not an all-day fuck festival. While it’s totally fine if it happens to end up that way (do you!), you two are also there to bond, share new experiences, and grow closer to each other. “Don’t put expectations on yourself or your partner,” says Wright. “Know that, for some people, it takes a bit to adjust into vacation mode, and that’s okay.” Go with the flow, and don’t get too hung up on how frequently you two are sexing. Instead, concentrate on how deeply you’re sexing.

9. Try new, playful moves.

This is your time to be as goofy and carefree as you'd like. “Being silly and laughing together not only bonds you, but it’s also a fantastic form of foreplay,” says Allyn. Make it a point to get outside your comfort zones and fulfill both of your desires via fantasy or role-playing. You're away and feeling yourself, after all! Into the idea of light kink play? Use a towel or your swimsuit strap to tie each other up, suggests Allyn. Remember, the limit to sexiness while having vacation sex does not exist! 

Taylor Andrews and Kayla Kibbe

20 Legit Reasons You Should Be Having More Morning Sex

 Plus tips and positions that will make a morning romp worth waking up early, promise.

It’s one of the oldest sex debates in the book: Morning sex vs. night sex, which one’s better? (For the record, afternoon sex is secretly where it’s at, but some of you aren’t ready to have that conversation yet.)

Of course, there’s no reason you have to choose one or the other—like, this isn’t a make-or-break, two-party system kinda situation. After all, seasoned sex-havers know the real move is to do it at night, then wake up for round two in the a.m. (which is pretty much the only reason it’s worth sharing a bed with someone, TBH). Still, we all like to have our loyalties. While morning sex certainly has its stans, nighttime seems to remain the default sex-having hour for most.

That said, if you’re saving all your sexing for after dark, you are simply missing out, friends. Not only are you wasting a perfectly good opportunity to have more sex, (more isn’t always better, but when it comes to sex, it kinda is) but there are tons of legit reasons morning sex is actually downright good for you.

“Sex in the morning can help you start your day in a good mood, due to the endorphins released, and because oxytocin can reduce cortisol levels, reducing the experience of stress,” says psychologist Kate Balestrieri, PsyD, a sex therapist and founder of Modern Intimacy. Meanwhile, she adds, morning sex can also boost energy and improve cognition and focus. So, basically, having sex in the morning makes you happier, smarter, and less stressed. Need we say more?

Of course, we will say more. Below, just several reasons you should seriously consider adding a little morning sex to your a.m. routine, plus a handful of tips and positions that will make a morning person out of just about anyone.

1. Your Boss Will Be Like “Who Dis?”

“Orgasms release dopamine, which can aid in helping you be more productive and make better decisions,” says certified sex coach Lisa Rogers. What this means: Say bye to your to-do list and fights with your S.O. about what you want to eat for dinner tonight. 

2. You Won’t Get That Gnarly Mid-Day Headache

“Orgasms can help diminish pain,” says Rogers. So basically, this ensures you start your day ache-free. Whether it's a headache, some weird neck cranks, or that lower-back pain you've been complaining about, no need to bring the Tylenol today.

3. It Can Basically Replace Your Workout

If you’re not digging the idea of getting up early for the gym, might we suggest staying in bed and letting your partner give you a different kind of workout? “Sex has many of the same benefits as exercise for the body, so a little nookie can be comparable to a morning run,” says Balestrieri.

4. You’re Horniest Before the Sun Comes Out

“Testosterone levels are highest in the morning,” says Roger. And since this hormone increases desire and libido, why prolong your urges? Sure, a lil build-up during the day can be hot (especially if you're sexting), but sometimes it's best to just start your day on an actual high, y'know?

5. Your Skin Will Be Glow-Ing

TL;DR: Orgasms are nature’s makeup. “Blood rushes to all parts of the body, including the face,” says sex therapist Erica Evans-Weaver, PhD. Basically, your cheeks and face will be dewy without putting on your face with blush, bronzer, or highlighter (save that $$, girl). 

6. You'll Feel More in Love With Your S.O.

“Having sex in the morning releases oxytocin—also known as the cuddle hormone,” says sexpert Emily Morse, PhD. “Oxytocin makes you feel more connected with your partner and more loved. These warm feelings will stay with you throughout the day, or at least throughout the morning commute.”

7. You’re Probably a Little More Present

If you save all your sexing for night, you’re probably tired and stressed from a long day (or, if we’re being honest, turnt and tipsy from date-night cocktails) by the time you finally get around to doing it. Surprise, surprise, doing it in the morning when you’re well-rested and clear-headed can make for a more mindful sexperience.

8. It Won't Mess With Your Sleep Schedule

Weirdly enough, a good night's sleep is directly correlated with your sex drive. This means going to bed wayyy later because you had sex could not only make you groggy the next day, but could also mess with your sex drive in the long run. What’s the fun of having an orgasm if it ultimately makes you exhausted?

9. You Won't Feel Pressure to Have Sex When You’re Tired

Sex after a full day of work, a big dinner, and a glass of red can feel so tiring, no matter how much you love your partner. Pushing yourself to perk up because of some societal standard of night-only sex is a surefire buzzkill.

10. Spoon Sex Was Literally Made for Mornings

All you have to do is roll over, cuddle and fuck. Maximum morning pleasure meets minimum morning effort. If that’s not a win-win, I don’t know what is.

11. It Can Feel a Little More ~Intimate~

“Morning sex is often more honest sex, without the veneer of sexy outfits, or the buzz of a hot date,” says Balestrieri. “It’s more naked—in a possibly literal and certainly metaphoric way—and vulnerable, which can bring you closer together.” In other words, when it’s just you, your person, and your morning breath, things can get a little more real—in a good way.

12. You'll Get a Much Better View of, Well, Everything

Night lighting is cool and all, but sometimes the hottest sex involves seeing everything in plain view. It’s also the most vulnerable time to see your partner in all their naked beauty, which is a surefire way to bring you closer amid their chest hair.

13. You'll Save $$$ With Shower Sex

If you and your S.O. are regular a.m. showerers, cut down on time by showering together. “For the best water-sex position, bend over while they enter from behind,” Morse says. Avoid slipping and falling by holding on to a wall or shower door or putting down one of those rubber mats. BTW, be sure to use silicone-based lube (since water-based washes right off). 

14. You'll Have an Excuse to Be Lazy

Hey, it’s still the morning: You have every excuse to be a wee bit sleepy and a whole lotta lazy. But honestly? Lazy sex slays. More often than not, it's pretty intimate... or a laid-back quickie that's pretty awesome too.

15. You Can Stay in Bed Just a Lil Longer

Looking at all of you not-not morning people, who just really enjoy morning sex. Say it with me now: sleep, sex, back to sleep.

16. Morning Is Prime Time for Missionary Sex

Listen, I’m a big ol’ missionary gal and I’m not afraid to admit it. Give me missionary any time of day. That said, morning sex is a particularly good opportunity to bask in the glory that is this classic, if tragically underrated, sex position. You just got up, you’re both tired, so there’s no pressure to get too creative here. Just roll on top of each other and go at it.

17. No One Said Morning Sex Has to Be Partnered Sex

If you don’t love the idea of waking up with another human in your bed, (I get it, separate bedrooms for life, baby) there’s nothing wrong with starting your day with a little solo session. “Some people think morning sex if off-limits because they don’t have time for a big production,” says Balestrieri. False. All you need to start your day with a bang is your favorite vibrator. Masturbating before coffee is way better than doomscrolling before coffee, trust.

18. You Can Avoid Doctor's Appointments

According to research, morning sex can actually strengthen your immune system by boosting your levels of IgA, an antibody that protects against infection. No need to stress over making your own doctor's appointments anymore if you don't have to go to the doctor.

19. Your Partner Might Last Longer

“When men have higher testosterone and are well-rested, they have more energy during sex," says sex therapist Arlene Goldman, PhD. “That energy will help them last longer.” Sooo... if you want something longer than the average 5-7 minutes, morning sex might be your best bet.

20. More People Do it Than You Think

Not that you need anyone else to validate the sex you want to have, but a solid 34 percent of people prefer to bone in the morning than any other time. I kind of get it. See above.

Natasha Burton, Taylor Andrews and Kayla Kibbe

How to Use Moaning to Make Sex Even Better

 Because getting a little loud really can make sex that much hotter.

When you think of moaning during sex, you might envision Meg Ryan’s iconic fake orgasm in When Harry Met Sally. Maybe your mind immediately starts replaying your favorite scenes from Bridgerton (you know exactly which ones I'm talking about). Or maybe you think of the other night when you heard a certain high-pitched noise of bliss coming from your roommate’s side of the wall and thought, “Wow. She’s clearly having a good time.”
Whether it’s intentional or not, moaning during sex can be quite the power move. Even the slightest breathless moan or involuntary grunt can communicate (to you, your partner(s), and any eavesdropping roommates) that things are going great between the sheets. As an added bonus, letting out those oohs and aahs can even enhance the sexual experience, according to a 2012 study published by the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
However, fully unleashing those sounds of pleasure may be a little intimidating, especially if you’re overthinking the way you “should” sound. Sure, you want to embrace your sex noises and reap all the benefits of making some noise in bed, but not at the expense of sounding like you’re, well, faking it over pastrami sandwiches at Katz’s Deli.
Whether you're a naturally enthusiastic moaner who wants more guidance on how to use sex noises to maximize your sexual communication skills, or you're a more ~reserved~ lover in need of tips on how to let loose and turn up the volume, we've asked some sexperts to weigh in on all your moaning-related questions.
Why do people moan during sex?
Odds are, you're moaning because you're enjoying yourself, says Gigi Engle, LifeStyles brand ambassador, certified sex coach, and author of All the F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life. "It's a natural, animalistic response on the most basic of levels," she says.
"When we're feeling pleasure, we start to lose control over our bodies. The somatic nervous system takes a back seat and we can't control the sounds that come out as a result."
It's pretty much like we're all cats in heat, screeching our sexual desires out, explains Kenneth Play, an international sex educator and creator of the Sex Hacker Pro course.
On the flip side though, you might be moaning in an attempt to fake it. "There are times when people moan during sex to be performative as well," Engle continues. "Sometimes we over-exaggerate our noises in an attempt to sate the ego of a partner."
What exactly does moaning mean in sexual situations?
Audio cues are both an erotic and useful form of sexual communication, says sexologist Jennifer Litner, PhD., founder of Embrace Sexual Wellness.“Making sexual sounds can be a way to connect to the experience. For example, if a person is moaning while saying ‘Mmm I like that,’ this directs their attention to their own experience of enjoyment, while also being a cue for their partner.”
More often than not, moaning should serve as a green light. "Moaning [usually] signifies that what your partner is doing feels good," says Engle. "If something feels good, make some noise to let them know they should keep doing that thing! Moaning is a good indicator that something is working and silence is a good indicator that it's not."
Now, here's where it gets tricky: Not everyone is super comfortable letting out sounds that aren't familiar to them, so communication is key. Always check in with your partner to make sure that what you're doing feels good to them (whether they're moaning or not).
And don’t assume that you have to wait until sex actually happens to start communicating.“To best understand one another, I recommend partners ask about sexual sounds in advance,” Litner adds. She suggests asking something like, “How will I know if you’re enjoying sex? What sounds will you make?” Then your partner can let you know what to expect, maybe giving you a little preview of their sex-noise symphony or letting you know what kinds of words or sounds they usually use to convey pleasure.
How do I use moaning to make sex better?
There are a number of ways moaning can be used to make sex better. You could use it as an indicator to see what your partner does/doesn't like, which will make you a better lover pretty much instantly.
"Try to develop the skill to detect when your partner is faking [moaning] and when they are making authentic sounds of pleasure," suggests Play. Not only will this guide you when it comes to pleasing them, but it can also help your partner feel comfy opening up and letting their walls down.
Moaning is one of those primal responses that happen when you let go of your inhibitions and simply experience the moment. That, in itself, will make sex better for you which in turn, will probably turn your partner on even more.
"Moaning is super sexy and it shows that it's a positive experience," says Engle. "People want to feel like they're doing a good job in bed. It's highly erotic to hear confirmation." (Shout out to all my words of affirmation peeps out there who could basically orgasm just from hearing someone else's pleasure.)
Does moaning help you orgasm?
Okay, so in addition to moaning being a natural response to pleasure for some folks, it can actually help you—and your partner—reach climax. "Allowing your sounds to emanate freely can facilitate your body’s overall response," explains ASTROGLIDE resident sexologist, Jess O’Reilly, PhD. "When you muffle your sounds, you often stifle your breath. [And] breath aids in circulation, arousal, and orgasm," she says.
Again, moaning isn't for everyone, but if you're actively stifling your moans, Dr. Jess says it's a good idea to evaluate why that is: "Do you feel deserving of pleasure? Have you trained yourself to adjust your sounds to suit your partner’s (or sociocultural) expectations related to your identity? Do you want to challenge these norms/expectations?"
If you realize you're holding your moans in, spend some time reflexing on the reason(s) behind it.
How do I become comfortable moaning?
Getting into moaning is as simple as just deciding to do it. "If you want to moan, but it's not your thing—just consciously moan when something feels good," says Engle. If you're feeling kinda weird about just jumping into moaning, Play has a fun suggestion to make the experience easier:
"Play a little game of primal play," he says. "Get on all fours and pretend you are an animal (of your choice). Moan and grunt and roll over each other like lions in the Savannah." Sure it sounds kinda goofy, but it reactivates your primal instincts, gets your heart rate going, and acts as some fun foreplay.
That being said, Engle makes it clear that moaning is by no means necessary. "There's nothing wrong with making other noises," Engle says. Just communicate with your partner about when something feels good, and when something doesn't.
How can I tell if my partner's moans are good or bad?
Pay attention to your partner's body language while they're moaning because different kinds of moans mean different things, explains Sofiya Alexandra, co-founder and co-host of the Private Parts Unknown podcast. "Was the moan sharp and surprised? That could be pain or discomfort. Are the moans getting higher pitched and closer together? They might be close to coming," says Alexandra.
That being said, just straight-up asking your partner how they're feeling is your best bet when it comes to deciphering their noises (or lack thereof).
"Keep in mind that different people make different sounds. Something may sound like a bad moan, but that's just the way that person expresses pleasure," Engle notes. "If you're ever confused about a good moan or a bad moan, take a beat to ask if what you're doing feels good. You should never keep doing something that your partner isn't enjoying."
Communication is everything and the more familiar you become with your partner and their moans, the better you’ll get at pleasuring them.
How do I show my partner the difference between my moans?
Again, Engle says the key is communication. "Don't just say 'ouch' if something doesn't feel right," she says. "Tell your partner to do something else. For instance, 'Baby, can you move your mouth a little higher?' or 'Can you slow down a little bit? I like it slower.'" Don't be afraid to ask for what you want. In some cases, if you don't ask, you might not receive.
Additionally, Alexandra adds that the first step might be simply paying attention to your own moans as well as your partner’s. Maybe you think you're obviously communicating pleasure, but after giving a listen, you might come to find your moans aren't as cut-and-dried. The next time you go at it, listen to what you're doing to see if it makes translating each other's noises a lil easier.
Does the volume of moans really matter?
"Moan as loudly or as softly as you want," says Engle. "If someone is rude to you about how loud you are, don't have sex with them. There are plenty of people out there who will appreciate it." There's no right or wrong way to sound, mmkay?
And if you want to up the volume of your moans without feeling like you're auditioning for the local theatre, Alexandra suggests “leaning in” to your breath with sound. "Essentially, allow a little more sound to accompany each breath until it feels natural to make more and more noise with increased sensation," she explains.
But again: You don't have to moan so loud your neighbors need noise-canceling headphones if that's not your thing.
What if I don't like moaning or don't feel comfortable moaning during sex?
It's simple: Don't do it then. "Moaning is not a requirement for good sex, so if you are not feeling it, skip it," says erotic educator and founder of Organic Loven, Taylor Sparks. If, however, your partner is a moaner and you're not a fan or it turns you off, it's a bit more complicated.
If this is the case, Alexandra suggests blasting some music or even consider some sensory play where you wear headphones or your partner uses a gag. Covering someone's mouth can be v hot during sex, so if your moaning other half is game to give it a try, this might be one of those sexy solutions that work for everyone.

Candice Jalili, Rachel Varina and Tatyannah King

14 Free Date Ideas That Won't Make You Feel Broke AF

 Love don't have to cost a thing, honey.

Sure, planning the perfect date night with your boo can be super romantic—until you check your bank account and realize you dropped your whole paycheck on a piece of meat the size of your thumb. In other words? Date night can get expensive.
TL;DR: Dropping hella Benjamins to impress your date with extravagant prix fixe dinners and martini happy hours can burn holes in your wallets. But TBH, they can get kinda stale really fast.
Luckily, a fun romantic activity with your love doesn’t have to cost a dime. Whether you’re still in the honeymoon phase with a new flame or looking to keep things exciting in your LTR, try out every one of these fun (and free) date ideas.
1. Take a hike
Hit the trails! Planning a day hike lets you enjoy nature and each other’s company at the same time. Pack waters, healthy snacks, and layers in case the weather shifts. You’ll get a good workout in plus gorgeous photo ops for the 'gram at the top of the mountain.
2. Get creative together
Next date night, get hands-on in a different way (wink, wink) and craft something together. A few ideas: relieve stress with adult coloring books, repaint the bedroom dresser, bake a cake, make a date jar (for future ideas!), or attempt a Pinterest craft and photo-document the Pinterest Fail for a good laugh.
3. Set up a backyard campsite
Public campsites usually have fees, but the one in your backyard is private and free! Plus, a sleepover under the stars is as romantic as it gets. Channel your inner Girl/Boy Scout and pitch a tent filled with a mound of pillows and blankets, light a campfire, roast marshmallows, sip summer shandy, tell ghost stories—then turn in for the night and check “sex in a tent” off your bucket list.
4. Downward-dog together at community yoga
Most yoga studios offer complimentary classes taught by teacher leaders in training. Set up your mats side-by-side, channel each other’s positive energy (you’ll need it for the Birds of Paradise pose), and torch some calories while you’re at it.
5. Plan a day trip
If your car is already gassed up, set out on a day trip to a place you’ve never been together and just walk around. It could be a cute town upstate filled with art galleries, a beach with a surfside tiki bar, or a tulip farm for totes adorbs Instagram selfies. Plus, half the fun is getting there, so begin the journey with an iced coffee stop and a solid driving playlist.
6. Enjoy an outdoor movie screening
Once the weather gets warm, find a park that has set up a big outdoor movie screen for the season and enjoy a free alfresco flick. Pack a picnic, BYOLC (Bring Your Own Law Chair), and enjoy the fact you’re not in a stuffy movie theater paying $10 for a pack of Sour Patch Kids.
7. Volunteer together
Nothing is sexier than giving back in good company! Search for upcoming events in your community that are looking for volunteers and offer your time to a cause you both care about. Whether it’s a beach clean-up, a pet adoption event, or working at a food drive, you’ll feel fulfilled while making awesome memories together.
8. Hang by the pool
The best part about summer? Relaxing outside and catching some rays is still considered a productive activity! Break out that haute new bikini, set up two recliner chairs by the pool, put that margarita mixer to work, and just chillax together—that is, after you rub SPF all over each other. ;)
9. Cook a meal together
Why spend money on dinner when you can kiss the cook and have fun being each other’s sous chefs? Take inventory of the ingredients you already have on-hand, then search Google to find a tasty recipe that you can whip up together at no cost. Nothing tastes better than home cooking—and bonus points if your final dishes pair well with that fancy bottle of Pinot Noir you’ve been saving.
10. Attend a literary reading
Lots of bookstores, libraries, and coffee shops host readings and poetry nights featuring famous authors or up-and-coming writers. More often than not, admission is free (and sometimes there is coffee and wine!). Get inspired, have fun, and immerse yourselves in the literary community.
11. Challenge each other in a game night
Ignite a little friendly competition with a game night for two. Take turns picking what game you play next. Start with something fun and nostalgic (Mouse Trap, Jenga, or Mario Kart), move on to something strategic (chess, checkers, or Othello), and end with something sexy (truth or dare, or strip poker!).
12. Sample your way through a farmer’s market
Bring your appetite, because is there anything more delicious than meandering through a farmer’s market and taste-testing all of the fresh cheeses, homemade salsas, and organic produce? It’s also a great way to meet and support people in your local community.
13. Create a spa at home
Trips to the spa cost a pretty penny, but a DIY oasis in the comfort of your home can feel just as indulgent. Set the ambiance by lighting candles and queuing up a soothing playlist. Then spend the evening pampering each other with avocado face masks, cucumber slices on your eyes, and massages with aromatherapy oil (pick can up a few pro techniques from Youtube). Finish it off with a soak in the bath together.
14. Arrange for a pet-sitting staycation
Call up your friend with the cuddly cat or your aunt with the Bernese mountain dog and urge them to get the heck out of dodge for the weekend. You and bae can offer to stay at their place and pet-sit their furry friends for free—well, in exchange for a romantic evening in a new house with a porch swing to watch the sunset, Fido at your feet, a rain shower in the master bathroom...In the end, everyone gets a vacation.

Brooke Sager

4 Exercises to try at home for a quick full body workout

 Keep in shape without leaving the comfort of your home!

Gym machines are fantastic for resistance training while adding in cardio to get in shape but sometimes access to such machines are not possible. Fear not, fitness expert Hannah Bower has some great exercises that you can try at home for a quick full body work. She recommends doing these at home to help tone your muscles and keep you strong. Her Instagram has the best ideas to substitute expensive gym equipment or for exercises to do with kids. Check out four of her best exercise routines to do at home.
Back stretches: You’ll need a chair, bed or other piece of furniture to replace the extension machine. You should place your heels against the wall or sofa and lean on your furniture of choice as in the photo above, the legs should be supported from the thigh to the pelvis. Contract the abdomen and with the spine perfectly straight, gently rise up and down, marrying the movement to the breath. Do not try to lower too far down and be careful with brusque movements.
Squats with weight: You’ll need elastic bands like ones used in gyms or physiotherapy. They’re a great way of replacing the barbell. You can use different tensions to change things up. Put both feet on it – either wide or close depending on what kind of challenge you fancy – then place the other end over your shoulders. Do gentle squats to build up your strength.
Stretches and squats with a towel: This is a genius hack for replacing the medicine ball. Standing up with your legs separated at hip distance, hold the towel with both hands, above the head. Then squat while whipping the towel down towards the floor. Your abdomen should be contracted and although the movement should be done quickly, be careful to move smoothly and consciously.
Leg Press. This is one of the most common exercises that people do at the gym, to strengthen the lower body and the best way to do it at home is by, once again, using elastic bands. You can hook one end under a piece of furniture and use your hands to stabilize it, while the other end goes round your feet. Stretch and flex your legs to feel the resistance and also work your core muscles.
Remember to warm up for at least five minutes before doing any kind of exercise routine and end up with three or so minutes of stretching. Enjoy your home gym!

Hannah Bower

Small changes to your diet that can help you age gracefully

 Add color to your diet, this means that you should include more fruits and vegetables, from blueberries and cherries to spinach and kale.

If you want to start having a healthier lifestyle, you don’t necessarily have to change your diet entirely. Sometimes making just a small adjustment and being mindful of our eating habits can help us achieve short-term and long-term goals, including aging well.
We put together some small changes that can help you lower the risk of having diseases associated with aging, like consuming too much processed meats, as they are a great risk to your health, including deli meats, sausage and bacon, so avoiding these from time to time is a good option.
Add color to your diet, this means that you should include more fruits and vegetables, from blueberries and cherries to spinach and kale.
You should also avoid packaged foods that contain too much sugar and sodium, an example could be chips, frozen pizza, cookies, granola bars, among others.
However if you are going to eat packaged foods, try going for healthier options such as peanuts, almonds, or cashews. If the package you are about to eat has just a few and more recognizable ingredients you are making a healthier choice.
You don’t need to focus on supplements too much, but if you are active and work out regularly, you can choose unsweetened protein powder with as few ingredients as possible, and the NSF seal. A good option for muscle building and fat loss is whey-protein isolate, if you can tolerate dairy.

Daniel Neira