Small changes to your diet that can help you age gracefully

 Add color to your diet, this means that you should include more fruits and vegetables, from blueberries and cherries to spinach and kale.

If you want to start having a healthier lifestyle, you don’t necessarily have to change your diet entirely. Sometimes making just a small adjustment and being mindful of our eating habits can help us achieve short-term and long-term goals, including aging well.
We put together some small changes that can help you lower the risk of having diseases associated with aging, like consuming too much processed meats, as they are a great risk to your health, including deli meats, sausage and bacon, so avoiding these from time to time is a good option.
Add color to your diet, this means that you should include more fruits and vegetables, from blueberries and cherries to spinach and kale.
You should also avoid packaged foods that contain too much sugar and sodium, an example could be chips, frozen pizza, cookies, granola bars, among others.
However if you are going to eat packaged foods, try going for healthier options such as peanuts, almonds, or cashews. If the package you are about to eat has just a few and more recognizable ingredients you are making a healthier choice.
You don’t need to focus on supplements too much, but if you are active and work out regularly, you can choose unsweetened protein powder with as few ingredients as possible, and the NSF seal. A good option for muscle building and fat loss is whey-protein isolate, if you can tolerate dairy.

Daniel Neira