Vitamin C hype for glowing skin

 Vitamin C is a raging trend when it comes to skincare, but is it worth it? We quizzed celebrity dermatologist Dr Kiran Sethi about it and here is what she has to say.

We’ve all grown up reading about vitamins and obviously, vitamin C has been heard of many times. But it would seem that as grown-ups, we’ve forgotten the benefits of vitamin C. When we’re talking about its benefits, did you know that vitamin C can work miracles for your skin? Hence, it isn’t surprising that beauty products now have vitamin C as the starring ingredient.

So, what’s all this vitamin C hype about?

Well, we spoke to celebrity dermatologist and wellness expert, Dr Kiran Sethi from Isya Aesthetics, Delhi, and she gave us some insight into why vitamin C is being considered the holy grail in skincare.

Here are five benefits that will make you switch to vitamin C for glowing, healthy skin:

1. Vitamin C brightens your skin

We all want that uber glowing skin and we’ve opted for an equal number of home remedies as well as cosmetics for that. However, it is time you give vitamin C a chance and see your skin transform. “Topical vitamin C helps lends glow to the skin and prevents pollution damage along with mild pigmentation, boosting collagen, and preventing oxidative damage,” says Dr Sethi.

2. It helps with sun damage

When it comes to short-term relief, vitamin C helps reduce redness and soothes the skin affected by exposure to the harsh sun. From a long-term perspective, applying vitamin C regularly will help your skin stay protected from the sun while also healing the previous damage caused to it.

A study from the US National Library of Medicine states that “benefits include promoting collagen synthesis, photoprotection from ultraviolet A and B, lightening hyperpigmentation, and improvement of a variety of inflammatory dermatoses.”

3. Vitamin C will make those fine lines disappear

Be it worry lines or laugh lines, the appearance of them on your face can make you conscious. However, regular application of a vitamin C serum (10% concentration of ascorbic acid) can make those lighter with regular application.

A study published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology noted that the participants, chosen from various age groups, who applied vitamin C were able to see an improvement in their skin in about 40 days, thanks to a boost to the collagen production! The study observed the effects of the topical application were even more visible after regular application of 60 days.

4. Vitamin C reduces hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation refers to your skin changing colour and it happens due to an array of factors. Applying vitamin C can reduce these changes caused by hyperpigmentation. According to a study published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology, participants noticed a 73% improvement in skin pigmentation after applying vitamin C.

5. It provides some much-needed hydration to the skin

Keeping your skin hydrated is important for not just how it looks but also its health. Turns out, vitamin C can make sure of that! Another study from the US National Library of Medicine observed that magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, one of the components of vitamin C, hydrates the skin, and most importantly, helps it retain moisture.

Sold on the benefits of vitamin C? But is it safe to use without a dermatologist’s recommendation? Well, this is what Dr Sethi has to say: “You can absolutely apply vitamin C without a dermatologist’s recommendation. Just make sure the formulation suits you.”

“Not all vitamin C preparations suit everyone. So, test them before using. If you are acne-prone, I would suggest either getting a vitamin C powder and mixing it in your cream or getting a vitamin C lotion. Vitamin C serums can sometimes trigger zits,” she concludes.

Go ahead and embrace vitamin C with open arms, and get that enviable glowing skin in return.